DirectX11/12 Rendering Engine
Supports both DX11 and DX12 rendering APIs.
Setup a multi engine architecture that supports 2D and 3D rendering.
Integrated DirectX Compiler that works with DX12.
HLSL shaders are compiled in run-time.
Mesh drawing with vertex and index buffers supported in both DX11/12.
Mesh drawing with the Mesh shading pipeline in DX12 (in the works...)
Supports phong shading and emissive shading(bloom)
DX11 Renderer
DX12 Renderer
Physics System
Supports Discs2D, Capsule2D, AABB2, OBB2, Line2D, Arrow2D, Sphere, Capsule3D, AABB3, OBB3, Line3D, Arrow3D, Cylinder, Cone, Plane geometry.
Supports raycast with all the above primitives.
Supports overlap checks with all above primitives.
Supports Spline systems with easing functions
Debug Visualizer
Simple debug visualization system
Draw debug log messages on screen
Draw debug spheres, points, cylinder, arrows, billboarded text
Event System
Subscriber based event system.
Dev console and input system depend on this system.
Input System
Input system supports mouse and keyboard.
Also supports xbox controller, with upto 4 controllers
Fmod Audio System
The engine uses the FMOD third party library for audio features.